This year, thanks to the local authority for arts and entertainment, Rosanna Perricci, and to the local authority for tourism, Cristian Iaia, Monopoli is once again opening his artistic beauty to the public. During past years this initiative have met notable success, therefore from July 1st to September 30th four churches will open for four hours a day and other two for six hours a day.

This project is about assuring the tourists a permanent opening of Monopoli’s most important churches. The initiative has been realized thanks to the partnership between Monopoli’s municipality and Conversano-Monopoli Diocese.

Saint Francis of Assisi, Purgatory, Saint Leonard, Saint Teresa and Saint Dominic churches will stay open since 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.. The Cathedral Basilica and Saint Mary of Amalfi churches will open at 3 p.m..

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