Meetings with the Authors and a conversations at Porto Vecchio from 14 to 18 May 2023

From 14 to 18 May 2023, Prospero Fest, the event promoted by the Department of Culture returns to Monopoli. 10 meetings with the authors and a conversation at the Porto Vecchio. These are the numbers of a festival that year after year is winning over an increasingly large audience.

A truly interesting and varied programme thanks to the presence of guests of national profile. Writers, journalists, artists, and essayists who through the presentation of their latest publications, will put highly topical issues at the centre of common reflection and debate. From the themes of justice to those of politics, also passing through literature and poetry, to the themes of legality, sociality and art.

On Sunday 14 May at 7 p.m., RAI journalist Sigfrido Ranucci will open the event with the presentation of ‘Il Patto. The negotiation between the state and the mafia in the unpublished account of an infiltrator ” first book that recounted the State-Mafia Negotiation, in dialogue with Mario Valentino. This will be followed at 9 p.m. by a conversation with the writer and former magistrate Gianrico Carofiglio curated by Idris.

Gabriella Genisi will open the events on Monday 15 May at 7 p.m. with the presentation of her book ‘Lo scammaro avvelenato e altre ricette’ (The poisoned scammaro and other recipes), a gripping thriller that is also an opportunity to get to know all the recipes of Lolita Lobosco’s house, from parmigiana to panzerotti. In dialogue with the author will be Manuela Lenoci. At 9 p.m. it will be the turn of journalist Sergio Rizzo, presented by Vincenzo Magistà, for his ‘Potere assoluto. The hundred magistrates who rule in Italy’, stories, protagonists, conflicts of interest and unpublished backgrounds of the country’s most hidden and powerful caste.

“Everyone’s home. Cities and libraries” (Laterza) by Antonella Agnoli is the first of the two appointments, at 7pm, on Tuesday 16 May, in dialogue with Angela Barbanente. At 9pm journalist Nicola Porro presents “The Eternal Father is liberal. Antonio Martino and the ideas that never die”, a reflection on the role and figure of Italian liberals recalling the great master of this tradition. He will dialogue with the author Gianni Tanzariello.

Wednesday, May 17 at 7 pm the festival will host Stefano Zecchi who will present “In the name of love. The many forms of an ancient and mysterious feeling” with Alessandra Dalena. Following, at 9 pm, “Ostinati e contrari.  The challenge to the mafia in the words of two great protagonists: Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino”, a manifesto of two men stubbornly opposed to the banality of evil, told by the writer and sociologist Nando Dalla Chiesa together with Giancarlo Fiume.

The former president of the Chamber and parliamentarian Pierferdinando Casini on Thursday 18 May at 7pm recounts Italian history among anecdotes, memories, reflections and hopes in “Once upon a time there was politics. The last Christian Democrat speaks”. Rai journalist Giovanna Botteri talks with the author. At 9pm the undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi on a journey through the life, passions and works of Antonio Canova through his book “Canova and the beautiful beloved”, flanked by Martina Cavallarin.

All the details on the authors and presentations are available on the website of the “Prospero Rendella” Civic Library.

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