Monopoli’s Cultural Assessor, Rosanna Perricci, will join the European Heritage Days (EHD) on Saturday 24/09 and Sunday 25/09, the biggest and most widespread cultural event in Europe.

This edition topic is “Sustainable cultural heritage: a legacy for the future”, recalling the European slogan “Sustainable Heritage” chosen by the European Council and shared by the countries joining the event.

The aim is to think about a sustainable management of the cultural and environmental heritage, matching the United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals for 2030” .

Here are the scheduled events:

Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September, 10.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. | 05.00 – 08.00 p.m.

Discovering Monopoli: an heritage for the future

The guided tours, in collaboration with the “G. Galilei M. Curie” High School and the “Vito Sante Longo” technical institute for economics and tourism, will allow to discover closed crypts and churches and be conscious of the actual cultural heritage.

  • Saint Matthew all’Arena crypt (property of Monopoli Municipality);
  • Saint Joseph and Anne church (property of Ministry of the Interior – Worship Building Fund, Bari Prefecture);
  • Saint Martin church (property of Conversano-Monopoli Diocese);
  • Saint Angel in Borgo church (property of Conversano-Monopoli Diocese);
    For information:
  • Monopoli Info Point | 080-4140264 |

Saturday 24 September, 05.00 p.m. | Via Cadorna Walls’ Moat

Rendella for children #outsiderendella: 2022 EHD Special

Rendella Library joins the event with a children dedicated activity.

What do we do to make our city sustainable?

Starting from the 2030 Agenda goal n.11, “Transform cities into inclusive, sure, resilient and sustainable places”, we support those projects that can promote practices pro sustainability and accessibility for our town and cultural heritage, focusing on the legacy for future generations.

Workshop for children from 4 to 10 years old.

For workshop information and booking:

Rendella Library | 080-4140709 |



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