In the first 10 months of the year, the City of Monopoli recorded a percentage increase in arrivals of 51.62% and in presences of 39.65% compared to the same period in 2022. The data emerges from the PayTourist portal, the system for managing and paying the municipal tourist tax. This was announced by the Municipal Councillor in charge of Tourism, Francesco Alba.

Specifically there were arrivals 227,723 compared to 150,189 last year (+77,534) while overnight stays were 730,883 compared to 523,318 in 2022 (+207,565) with an average stay of 3.2 days.

Six out of 10 tourists are foreigners (59.25%) and came mainly from France (8.95%), Germany (6.01%), Poland (4.83%), the United Kingdom (4.36%), the United States of America (4.36%), the Netherlands (4.12%), Australia (3.07%), Belgium (2.45%), Switzerland (2.26%), Canada (1.42%), Ireland (1.37%), Hungary (1.20%) and Austria (1.07%).

14.43% of Italian tourists came from the province of Bari, 9.88% from the metropolitan area of Naples, 7.11% from the metropolitan area of Rome and 4.9% from the metropolitan area of Milan.

More than one tourist out of two (53.31%) were under 43 years of age, 31.55% came to the city alone, 22.50% in groups and 45.59% were families.

Lastly 26.70% of those who stayed in Monopoli did so with a short-term rental contract. 18.77% stayed in a resort, 13.84% in a room rental, 11.26% in a hotel, 10.89% in a bed and breakfast, 7.92% in a holiday home, 5.48% in a campsite, 2.94% in an agritourism and the rest in tourist residences, wellness centres with hotels and residences.

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